
Microsoft usb midi driver windows 10
Microsoft usb midi driver windows 10

microsoft usb midi driver windows 10

Select the appropriate IN/OUT device names. 1 Both the IN and OUT devices may be displayed during MIDI device selection with the MIDI application software. While legacy products may indeed work as expected, they are not officially supported.įor any further questions or technical support, please v isit the link below to connect with any of the following support options: online community support, phone support, email support. : Compatible (Installation of special driver not required.): Compatible, with some limitations.: Not compatible. *Legacy products not listed here are not tested on Windows 10. Microsoft Windows 10 Compatibility (last updated ) Model Name

microsoft usb midi driver windows 10

If your projects are time-sensitive, we recommend staying with your current operating system for the time being. Note: Newly released operating systems always carry a risk of introducing unforeseen difficulties. Below is a list of our current products and their compatibility with Microsoft Windows 10. Many products are compatible with Windows 10 and there are no known issues with any Alesis items.

Microsoft usb midi driver windows 10